Monday, September 15, 2008

Six Directions

Artist: Dvorit Ben Shaul, Jerusalem, Israel
Title:Psalms 18:3
Technique: colored pencil on paper
Concept: Usually we ask "what is the Star of David" but in Psalms 18:3 which was written by King David the Shield is a verb, not a noun, and it stands for the Lord. The concept was introduced by Ze'ev Barkan on his Star of David blog and his friend Dvorit Ben Shaul illustrated it there.
Translation (of the Hebrew words from Psalms 18:3): "The Lord is my rock... my Shield, my salvation"...

This is a picture of one of the works that will be exhibited in Maryland University, USA, in a few days (21-23 September 2008) on a continuation exhibition to the Maged David Album exhibition that I initiated a few months ago in the Journalists' House in Tel Aviv with Curator Amili Gelbman.

See more Details


Amili Gelbman

Beigel Aviva

Hedva Zloter

Meir Salomon

Ehud Shcori

Sabina Saad

Nava Sidon

Amos Plaut (Germany)

Dr. Martin Kieselstein

Jacob Porat

Neomi Rotem

Dvorit Ben-Shaul

Inbal Kurts

Prof. Zemira Mevarch

Dick Ben-Dor

Orit Man-Or

Daniel Abecasise

Israela Engel

Lucy Elkivity

Anat Kohen Ahdut

Michal Ashkenasi

Miri Lavee

Anat kedem

Ruth Armoni

Tamar Frisch Helviz

Rachel Ben-Hur

Tami Alkon Lorberboim

Tami Suez

Dr. Tamar Recer

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I have created some US postage stamps with the star of david on them in my original designs.
    Please feel free to use them and link to them:
    thanks very much,
    Linda Lou


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