Monday, May 19, 2008

Thanks For Writing About My Project

Ruth Abrams wrote on Mar 24th, 2008 in Interfaith Family under the title

Web 2.0 Gives Us a Look At Some Jewish Art:

Among others, I’ve been following an Israeli photographer and blogger, Ze’ev Barkan, who posts and links to images of the Star of David. I was thinking about how many little Jewish children, especially those who are hungry for more Jewish knowledge, will look for “Jewish stars” wherever they can find them. It’s a way of feeling visible as a Jew in a society that might not see Jews. Sometimes the stars in Ze’ev’s set overlap with images from other cultures, which is great for use on our site, where we celebrate interfaith families’ varied ways of sharing of heritage and history from both sides of their families.

Thanks Ruth, for your warm words about my project- you made my day!

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