Sunday, January 13, 2008

Indian Red Star of David

Indian Red Star of David
heeb ville, originally uploaded by Ben Piven.

Israelis who visit India might get confused when they see "their" Magen David Adom on the walls. These are Indian six-pointed stars and whodisan215 from Flickr who shot this photo few week ago tells me that they are frequently seen everywhere in India.
Copyrigts: whodisan215 2008


  1. hi this is Joshua from hyderabad ,India. if u see the pic closely, it's written Jew town, India. lot of Jews were in India , many of them in kerala till recent days. most of them returned to their home land after Israel got formed.

  2. hi this is Joshua from hyderabad ,India. if u see the pic closely, it's written Jew town, India. lot of Jews were in India , many of them in kerala till recent days. most of them returned to their home land after Israel got formed.


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