Thursday, May 03, 2007


Photo of Magen David with Torah box inside is courtesy of Andrea Mercado who published it on Flickr.
It is an inspiring concept which challenges to ask what other things can be made this way?
My answer is: ice cubes; Yellow cheese...
What's yours?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for the link!

    I purchased the box mold and the small stars mold at a chocolate store on Long Island, where I grew up. I wish I remembered the name of the store, and whether or not it still exists! I don't know the name of the mold manufacturer, else I'd give it to you.

    I love making this for Jewish friends for Hannuhkah as a gift, or for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. I like the white chocolate or white chocolate marbled with dark chocolate best for this, since the details look really nice (IRL), but it really is nice in any type of chocolate.

    Thanks again!


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