Photo of
Magen David with balloons that were released to the skies of Siegen, Germany, during the Pro-Israel initiative 2007, is courtesy of "neveragain2006" who published it on Flickr and wrote to me:
The Magen David was produced with water cut technique. As you can see on the photo, it was our aim to let it fly high above our city in Siegen. We celebrated an Israel birthday party in the city. If you want more information about the pro-israel-initiative, you'll have to go on our website and then use a translation by Google.
I followed the link and saw the
Star of David with the balloons in the video on this website. I also translated with Babelfish the opening excerpt:
Why we celebrate Israel’s birthday?
A public celebration for the 59 Birthday of Israel… means today far more, than expressing only solidarity in relation to the state, which nevertheless earned fully and completely our support, appreciation and friendship, as the only democracy and as the only quite-national order in the Middle East. By this celebration we express our astonishments at the fact that the Jewish people could return to the land of Israel, after centuries of being scattered among all nations, after centuries of suppressions and Pogroms, after centuries of political, religious and ethnical Anti-Semitism.
Siegen is in North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, in Germany and has 100000 residents.
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