Sunday, May 13, 2007

Israel time

magen David Israeli artI hope that a manufacturer will make from this painting of a clock in a Star of David frame - a real product that will show Jews all over the world the Israel time...
Art reviewer Dr. Dalia Hakker-Orion wrote about Dick Ben Dor’s work:
Dick Ben Dor is an artist born in Holland whose early years were spent on a Dutch farm hiding from the Nazis. His works do not carry even the slightest trace of this traumatic past. His uncle, the artist Niko Broekman, has been a cardinal influence on his joyous colors and bubbling humour. There have been two other major influences on his artistic development, Mmoti Mizrachi and Professor John Byle. the forms remind one of cave paintings and ancient drawings on walls, or sometimes the work of primitive tribal artists. Dick Ben Dor is a founder member of “The Israel Miniature Art Society” and is one of their principal activists, as well an active member of the Painter’s & Sculptors Association of Israel.
All rights reserved to Dick Ben Dor 2007.

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