Sunday, March 04, 2007

I ching

Picture of I ching Hexagram is courtesy of "urban_data" from Flickr.
Barbara G. Walker wrote on her book The I Ching of the Goddess (Harper & Row, San Francisco 1986 p. 16}
The word hexagram does not really mean an arrangement of parallel horizontal lines {as in the I Ching}. It means a geometric figure composed of two interlocking triangles: the same figure now generally accepted as a symbol of Judaism and even erroneously called the Star of David, or sometimes Solomon's Seal…
This is a most important insight that unifies the main meanings of the hexagram and opens new fields for future research.


  1. I fail to see any connection.
    The article by Peter Myers didn't make any sense. (It says that the Jews were 'innocent' of knowing the hexagram until the 12th century AD. The article posted by You lower about the "Sumerian Cylinder Seal" quite clearly contradicts that [unless, of course, one is willing to believe that the Jews were wholly ignorant of the great, surrounding, Summerian civilisation]. The Bible also shows the Jews having knowledge of the Star-Gods Marduk [Esther: Mordechai] and Moloch & Remphan [Amos 5:26]and condemning that pratice).

  2. I wrote an addition to Karen Solvig's entry on Wikki concerning the maths of the triangles of Heaven and Earth. The maths of Hexagram or the Seals is simple, but its ramifications are indeed great. All I will add here is that the same values are found in the Sumerian King List, and this math was known to Egyptians, and Greeks, so it is most unlikely they were not known to the Hebrews from a very early time as the maths appear in Genesis. The proof of the pudding is always in the eating - the maths are now open to all to investigate. Just Google 'I Ching Math' or me Paul Martyn-Smith.

    Karen sadly died of cancer just after she had made her entry in Wikki.


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