ART = 40 postings including paintings, poems, architecture
BIBLIOGARPHY = 1 posting
GROUPS- Non-Jewish who use the Star of David = 72 postings
HISTORY = 98 postings
ISRAEL = 20 postings
JEWISH = 82 postings
LOGO = 5 e.g. Customs, Zim
MEANING =123 postings
NAME = 2 postings
ORIGIN = 21 postings e.g. tabernacle menorah, salt, compasses
SHAPE = 58 postings e.g. hex alpha, inside a circle. 3 rhombs
USAGE 145 postings e.g. lampshade, necklace, vase
ZIONISM 21 postings
Total: 682 postings
... and one blog-report :-)