Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Star of George Washington

9th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, first pattern, 1862-1863
copied from

In Brit-Am-Now Gary Smith quoted some extracts from a URL that is no longer active, under the title: The Star of David Probably WAS favored by George Washington and WAS important in US and Confederate Symbolism.
The twelve six-pointed stars first came to light on flags of the South: the 57th Georgia, 9th Mississippi and 1st Florida. These were Braxton Bragg's Battle Flags of 1862. They showed up again: a 1995 postage stamp…Another star can be found on the Army of the United States, Eighth Corps Battle Flag of 1862.
 1862- Confederate states stamp with 4 Hexagrams
During the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865 the Confederate States issued their own stamps.
Printer: First - Thomas De La Rue & Company in London 
Later:  Archer & Daly in Richmond, Virginia
Courtesy of Dobush

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