The following paragraph is from a new chapter, The Time Space Correlation, which doesn’t appear on Dr. Asher Eder’s book The Star of David, which was published in 1987 in English in Jerusalem by Rubin Mass Ltd.
These feelings are geared to sun and moon, as we saw already.
Sayings like "the time stands still", "time is running out", etc., describe subjectively feelings of ours concerning a certain passage of time. We calculate then with our brains the time we feel with our whole being. There is nothing wrong with these feelings. They exist like all the other feelings and are part of our human nature. They are caused by internal and external forces which influence our consciousness. The more we are immersed in an action, or taken in by it, the more we get the feeling that time is moving fast, or that it stands still, or that we are beyond time (as e.g. in deep meditation). However, time as a result of the movement of the planets and of the operation of other forces as well, goes on as normal. There is the view that acts like meditation, prayer, love, etc bring us closer to the Divine while in fact they open us more up to higher and subtler forces (like the so-called alpha-waves in the language of modern science). On the other hand, time seems not to pass in a sleepless night, in a long queue, in a prison cell...
On the other hand, sayings like "time heals", "time will do it", are erroneous since time is not a force, nor can any force be attributed to it; rather relevant forces need a certain duration (span of time) for their work of healing, etc, as said above. In cases of so-called miraculous instant healings, the healing forces put to work operate immediately, that is to say their operational time is extremely shortened.
Sayings like "time is money", "time is precious", etc, allude to energies we have subconsciously in mind when using such phrases (money represents energies; we have to work for it!). - "Racing against time" describes the attempt to outdo forces we have to cope with. As a general rule we can say, the more the time at our disposal gets limited the more precious it becomes. - "Timeless" we say about things we deem unaffected by tear and wear. - "Observing times", "organizing time", mean to tune in to certain energy patterns indicated by hours or other points of time, as e.g. in sunrise or sunset meditations, prayers, etc. (Indian classical music knows pieces of music to be played at certain hours only). - "To arrive in time" is to organize our energy pattern in a way that it coincides with that of the partner (be he a business colleague, a departing airplane, or whatever). - "Waste of time", "loss of time", mean in fact wasting forces, letting them continue to work without taking advantage of them. That means, in relation to us we let them idle. - Our car travel from home to office may take half an hour in a traffic jam instead of 10 minutes on a free road. In that case we are forced to let energies idle. In the "language" of our graph, the length of the line a-b is subjected to the length of line a-c. - When we grow older, "things go slower" due to decreased energy. Walking a mile in half an hour when we are young, we may in higher age need 40 minutes or more for the same distance.
The process of aging can have different aspects: that of wear and tear, i.e. forces are working upon us or upon an object; and/or that of maturing, "growing up" to something in which case we use forces for a certain end within a span of time given to us.
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