In this frame of thought Samuel Freedman mentions that
Zionism in its secular heyday offered a belief system with everything except a supernatural being. It appropriated the Bible, the Magen David and the menora as symbols of Jewish self-determination.IMHO Zionism was never a secular belief system. For example: It’s flag was based on the Talith, the Jewish prayer shawl; Theodore Herzl answered the needs of the Jewish masses who sought a new messiah; Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935) said that Zionism is a step in the Jewish religious redemption. Author S.Y. Agnon was a Zionist and a religious man etc.
Jews cannot hide from their identity. Even an Atheist Jew is a Jew…
The Miriam Oren Video and the Kempler video show that Yigal Amir shot blanks.