Sunday, May 07, 2006

Garden of Eden

Photo of a painting that depicts the Garden of Eden courtesy of Adam Rhine

Adam Rhine made a series of paintings based on the Star of David. He is an Illustrator and a graphic designer living in Illinois.  

 Adam sent me the following email:

As far as my absolute fascination and obsession with the Magen David, I'll give you the very shortened story: As soon as I applied my art to Judaica, everything exploded for me!  That was what I've been meant to do my entire life, yet didn't realize it until that moment.  Also, being "new" to Jewish thoughts and concepts at that moment in time, the first thing that came to me was... well... a Magen David.  You see the results on my website.  My series is not just about how I find it a challenge to see just how much I can get out of that shape, but a fan base and licensors has sprung up around my paintings, and the demand has kept me busy for 5 years running!  Calendars, a hardcover book, greeting cards, etc.  B"H!!! I am aware of some of the history of the symbol (DaVinci Code claims notwithstanding) and that it hasn't always been a Jewish symbol... but it is now, and I'll do my part in keeping it that way.

1 comment:

  1. Today I read an article about the art of Rhine on Chicago Tribune:,1,7571068.story?coll=chi-newslocalchicago-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true
    There's one mistake there- the Star of David has six points, not five...


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